RAGU | The secret (VIDEO)

This is my pasta and ragu dish. Learning how to make ragu is important and my ragu recipe is a full proof bowl of awesomeness. Check it out folks and increase the pease.

Serves 4
A glug of olive oil
2.5kg beef shin, (weight includes bone – ask your butcher to cut on the bone from the middle)
1 large onion, peeled
3 garlic cloves, peeled
A bouquet garni of bay, thyme and rosemary (about a handful in total), rolled up and tied together with string
A large glass of red wine / sherry / masala ?
150g chicken liver, finely chopped (optional)

Pine Kernals

1 Preheat the oven to 160C/325F/gas mark 3. Add a small glug of olive oil to a frying pan big enough to fit the beef shin and put on a medium-low heat.
2 Season the shin with salt and pepper then add to the pan. Colour on all sides until bronzed all over to give it flavour. In the meantime, chop the onion and garlic into roughly 2-3mm pieces.
3 When the shin is bronzed, put it to one side. Add the chopped onion and garlic and the herbs to the pan. Sweat for 20 mins.
4 Add the wine, scrape all the sticky goodness from the pan, then reduce for 5 minutes on a high heat.
5 Transfer the beef shin, onion and garlic mix and raw chicken livers into a casserole dish or heavy-bottomed oven tray. Season with salt and pepper. Add water to ½-¾ up the shin and cover tightly with foil or a lid. Cook in the oven for 6 hours until the beef falls off the bone easily. If you have time, check halfway through to ensure all is well.

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