Cooking Italian Pizza like in Italy (VIDEO)

One good video about the Italian pizza.

The Italian pizza is one of the most popular products in Italy. Good people from every country to love to eat the fresh Italian pizza. This tasty food is popular in almost every country of the world. The Italian pizza is a product of innovation and creativity. The layer of bread has to be very thin. The real Italian pizza is more about the ingredients, than about the bread. The bread has to be thin, and flexible. Some Italian pizza versions are very large. The best bread can be used fro the large pizza and also remain very flexible. Some people do not eat the edge of the pizza, it is normal. The center of the pizza is more important.

The basic idea of the Italian pizza is to have round circle of thin bread with tasty ingredients on top of the bread. The most popular ingredients, are tomato, cheese, olives, fish, ham, chicken, mango or fruit slices. There are no limits to the Italian pizza. The Italian people are very happy about food and creativity. There are many standard versions of the Italian pizza. In this wonderful video we can see a professional cool, who can cook the best Italian pizza with very simple ingredients.

The Italian food did conquer the world. The taste of the Italian pizza is known to many women around the world. The success of the Italian pizza is in the simplicity and the rich flavor of the fresh ingredients. There are many different versions of the Italian pizza. The most important ingredient is the smoke from the fire that is burning the wood in the oven. The smoke can increase the flavor of the ingredients. The ham and the vegetables have very rich taste, after the pizza was exposed to the smoke from the fire.

In this video we can see the most practical method for creating the round bread for the Italian pizza. The professional cook is taking the soft bread and he stretches the bread on the table. Then the professional cook is rotating the bread on the edge of the table, until the bread is round and ready for becoming the real Italian pizza.

The traditional Italian pizza has tomato paste as the first ingredient. The cheese is also very important. The cheese can make the pizza more flexible and more tasty. The other ingredients can be made from vegetables, ham, meat or fruits. It is possible to replace the tomato paste with the Indian curry paste or the Japanese Tandoori paste. There are no limits, as long as the pizza is tasty and fresh.

The Italian pizza is often much more tasty in the Italian restaurants, because the best Italian restaurants have the professional pizza oven with real fire from real wood. The fire from the wood is the most important ingredient for the traditional Italian pizza. The bread can be different, all the ingredients can be different, but the smoke from the fire must be soft and rich in flavor.

Many people can connect good memories with the taste of the Italian pizza. The people who visit Italy, or any Italian restaurant, can collect positive moments and the discovery of the Italian culture. The women often like to remember the best Italian pizza that they did have in their life. Very often the best Italian pizza is much more tasty during the vacation in Italy. There are very good and affordable Italian restaurants in small Italian cities. The Italian pizza is also much more tasty, when the vegetables are fresh. The vegetables are very fresh in Italy, because the climate is perfect fro growing vegetables. We can be happy, that the Italian pizza is part of our world.

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