Arrosticini Recipe | Italian Lamb Skewers feat BBQ AROMA (VIDEO)

It’s time to show you how to perfectly cook one of my favourite dishes: Arrosticini!! Welcome to Part Two of my series with BBQ Aroma which is going to get all of your senses going…now it’s time to get your grill going too and cook up smoky morsels of lamb which have been perfectly placed onto individual skewers. The only extra ingredient? A sprinkle of salt which will provide the perfect amount of seasoning!

Arrosticini (you will have already prepared these)

To cook these the authentic way, you will need a special grill. See BBQ Aroma for lots of different grill varieties and sizes of charcoal BBQ’s.
In dialect we call it “Lu Furnacell”.
BBQ AROMA TIP: The reason this grill works best is because the skewers balance well over the thin poles, allowing for the fat to drip over the charcoal and create a smoky aroma.

1. Using a small blowtorch or match, light the fire lights and leave them for around 15 minutes to let them warm and catch fire.
2. Spread the coals out across the top of the grill so the warmth is more or less even and carefully suspend the skewers across the grill, making sure the meat is cooking through the middle and the skewers are resting away from the flames.
3. Because there is fat on the skewers, this will add to the smokiness and flavour.
4. They do cook quickly so ensure you turn them a couple of times allowing them to cook inside and out.
5. Make sure they don’t burn and grind some coarse salt over the top for added flavour!
Toast some slices of fresh bread on the charcoal grill and drizzle extra virgin olive oil on top with a little touch of salt.
Before you eat the Arrosticini, roll it over the top of a slice of bread and take a bite fropm the skewer and then from the bread.
Make sure you enjoy the Arrosticini nice and hot as they are much more flavoursome and be sure to watch my video to make sure you eat them the right way!

E ora si mangia, Vincenzo’s Plate…Enjoy!

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